Showing 1–28 of 84 results

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iB Series / iB-BMW 4-SET
Mini workstation with cabinet

iB-SWE 2162(E)

iSL55 Series / iB-SWE 2162(E)
Director table with side connection cabinet


iEX Series / iEXMB 180A-SET
Executive table with swinging door side cabinet

iEXR 120
Round meeting table

iQ-YOD 21 + iQ-YD 21 + iQ-YG 21
Semi swinging door high cabinet, swinging door high cabinet and swinging glass door high cabinet

iGMB 180A+ iGS 303 + iGM 3

iG Series / iGMB 180A+ iGS 303 + iGM 3
Executive table with connection top, 3D mobile pedestal and sliding door side cabinet

iGD 880 + iGO 880 + iGP 880
Swinging door low cabinet, open shelf low cabinet and pigeon hole cabinet

iQ-OXL 2462-SET

iO Series / iQ-OXL 2462-SET
Director table with side connection cabinet

iQ-OGD 720 + iQ-OD 712
Swinging glass door high cabinet and swinging door medium cabinet

iQ-SRWE 2202

iSQ Series / iQ-SRWE 2202
Director table set with side connection cabinet

iQX 2100-SET

iQ Series / iQX 2100-SET
Director table with side cabinet and 1D1F mobile pedestal

iQ-YTD 21 + iQ-YGD 21
Swinging door high cabinet and swinging glass door high cabinet


iT2 Series / iTMB 180A-SET
Executive table with side cabinet, side connection with 4D fixed pedestal and CPU holder

iBL 11-SET

iB Series / iBL 11-SET
Executive L-shape table with sliding door low cabinet and mobile pedestal

iB-YTD 21 + iB-YTD 21
Swinging door high cabinet and semi swinging door high cabinet

iEXL 1815-SET

iEX Series / iEXL 1815-SET
L-Shape table with desking partition

iQ-YTD 21 + iQ-YOD 13
Swinging door high cabinet and semi swinging door medium cabinet

iGT 157 + iGS 303

iG Series / iGT 157 + iGS 303
Standard rectangular table with sliding door side cabinet

iGR 90
Round meeting table

iGB 741 + iGD 880 + iGS 880 + iGW 747
Book shelf, swinging door low cabinet, sliding door cabinet and swinging door high cabinet


iO Series / iOWB 180A-SET
Executive table with side cabinet and 2D1F mobile pedestal

iQ-OD 718
Swinging door medium cabinet

iQX 1800-SET

iQ Series / iQX 1800-SET
Director table with side connection and fixed pedestal

iQ-YD 21 + iQ-YGD 21
Swinging door high cabinet and swinging glass door high cabinet

iSMB 180A + iB-YSP 1226(E)

iSL55 Series / iSMB 180A + iB-YSP 1226(E)
Director table with side connection cabinet

iB-YTD 21(E) + iB-YOD 17(E) + iB-YOD 13(E)
Swinging door hight cabinet and semi swinging door cabinet


iSQ Series / iSQWB 180A-SET
Executive table with storage low cabinet


iT2 Series / iTMB 55-SET
Executive table with side connection with 4D fixed pedestal and CPU holder

iBL 44-SET

iB Series / iBL 44-SET
Executive L-shape table with fixed pedestal and side connection

iB-YD 17 + iB-YD 13
Swinging door medium cabinet

iEXT 127 + iYOP 7124 + iQYM 3 + iYCT 700

iEX Series / iEXT 127 + iYOP 7124 + iQYM 3 + iYCT 700
Standard rectangular table with connection top, 3D mobile pedestal and side cabinet

iQ-YD 9 + iQ-YS 9 + iQ-YO 9
Swinging door low cabinet, sliding door low cabinet and open shelf low cabinet

iGT 157 + iGH 3 + iYCT 700

iG Series / iGT 157 + iGH 3 + iYCT 700
Standard rectangular table with fixed pedestal and connection top

iOML 1815 (L)

iO Series / iOML 1815 (L)
L-Shape table


iQ Series / iQMB 180A-SET
Manger table with side cabinet and side connection

iQ-YOD 21 + iQ-YD 9
Semi swinging door high cabinet and swinging door medium cabinet

iSQWL 1815-3D (L)

iSQ Series / iSQWL 1815-3D (L)
L-Shape table with 2D1F fixed pedestal


iT2 Series / iTMB 33-SET
Executive table with side connection with 2D1F fixed pedestal and CPU holder

Workstation Cluster Of 4

iSL55 Series / Workstation Cluster Of 4
Workstation with desking partition and side connection cabinet


iB Series / iBMB-55-SET
Executive table with side cabinet, CPU holder and side connection

iB-YTO 21 + iB-YTO 17 + iB-YTO 13
Semi swinging door high cabinet and semi swinging door medium cabinet

iEXCT 1715-L

iEX Series / iEXCT 1715-L
Reception Counter

iGT 157 + iGS 1060

iG Series / iGT 157 + iGS 1060
Standard rectangular table with side table

iOML 1815-3D (L)

iO Series / iOML 1815-3D (L)
L-Shape table with 2D1F fixed pedestal